Scrappy's Auto Service Inc.
Auto & Truck Repair
Towing Services
Located at
350 E. Lincoln Hwy.,
Langhorne, PA, 19047
Call: 215-750-2700
scrappy hour blog
We here at Scrappy's feel it is critical to keep all of our customers up to date on the latest trends of the automotive & towing world. This blog will be updated periodically with important information that all automobile owners should know! Check back often for the latest news and information!
Scrappy Hour 3.20
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
As of now, the Governor has declared that we are an "essential" business, in order to keep the transportation system up and running. So, we will remain open for as long as permitted, to do our part. The transportation system is critical to not only allowing us to get where we need to be, but to deliver much needed supplies to hospitals and grocery stores. The better we can serve these vehicles, the quicker we can potentially end this pandemic.
We have continued to take steps towards mitigating this virus in our own shop, as well. We have continued to clean and sanitize the shop, office, and tow trucks. Also, our employees are wearing gloves when working on and/or towing any vehicles.
Further, we offer a drop box for your keys, in addition to paying by phone with a credit card. Until further notice, we will not be allowing anyone to wait for their vehicle at our shop. If you need repairs, we can make arrangements if need be. We hope everyone understands that this is to ensure the safety of not only our customers, but our employees, as well.
Please remember that the only way to kill this virus is to wash our hands for at least 30 seconds with soap & water or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content. In addition, cover your mouth and cough into your elbow to stop the spread and airborne potential. Finally, if possible, stay home as much as possible. This virus can last 3 hours in the air, 24 hours on cardboard, and up to 3 days on metal and plastic. We all need to be very careful and prevent the spread.
All of these measures are in an effort to continue to serve our customers, while being proactive in fighting this virus. If we all do our part, we can hopefully get back to life as we knew it, as fast as possible!
Thank you for your understanding and as always, visit our website (www.scrappysautoservice.net) or give us a call (215-750-2700) for more information!